Dieci principi di licenza software equa per i clienti cloud

Alcune società di software legacy utilizzano termini di licenza ambigui e non chiari per limitarne la scelta, proprio mentre le aziende si stanno trasformando e evolvendo verso l’utilizzo del Cloud. Questi dieci principi di licenza software forniscono solide basi per l’innovazione, la scelta e la crescita nell’economia digitale. Sostenere i Principi a tutela della scelta, dell’innovazione e della crescita nell’Economia Digitale.

To date, the Principles have been supported by CISPE, Cigref, CIO Aica Forum, CIONet Italia, CIO Club Italia, AUSED, FIDA Inform, Danish Cloud CommunityDutch Cloud Community and Coadec. Watch this space for more supporters.
Some licences prohibit running software on hardware not 100% dedicated to the customer –eliminating the value of the ‘virtualised’ cloud.
Some software companies have inflexible and non-transparent contracts and subject customers to hostile audits as they move to the cloud.
Costs go up 150% just to run previously purchased licenses on clouds from other providers.
Directory software
By controlling directory software legacy players’ lock businesses into their ecosystems and restrict choice.
Can and cannot do
It should be clear and easy to understand what you can and can’t do with the software you’ve paid for!
Overly complex
Businesses are stung with unexpected and unfair charges from overly complex, difficult to understand licences.
Migrating from on-premise to cloud-based software-as-a-service makes financial sense. But some software companies make it prohibitively expensive to run their software on competing clouds.
Technical and financial barriers narrow the cloud choices available to business users to those offered by legacy software companies.
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Le licenze sleali limitano la scelta, aumentano i costi e riducono l’innovazione man mano che le aziende passano al cloud.
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I principi

Un modello di licenza moderna per soddisfare le esigenze del settore cloud e dell’economia digitale.
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Principi equi di licenza del software per promuovere un settore digitale equo e competitivo per tutti.
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